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Red Eyes Wide Shut October
Date: Saturday 27th October 2007
Location: St. John's. POS, Trinidad
Promotions: Red Ants & ThE CoMmIsSiOn
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery
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Aright so we jump in de car leaving 300 The Spartan Festival at More Vino, and drove for honestly bout one minute before reaching our next destination.... Red Eyes Wide Shut October. Usually around this time of year, Red Ants (Red October) & The Commission (Eyes Wide Shut) will host their signature parties respectively, but for 2008 they decided to join forces for one massive bram - hence the name of the fete. With much hype going on outside the undisclosed St. John’s venue, and TJJ reaching down kinda late, we hadda big up de Trini Syrian for speeding up our access into de fete.

After clearing with security, we strolled through the red drapery which was lined with lights and large masks exquisitely decorating the venue as we journeyed to the main fete area. Well we knew the party was going to be off de hook, but still somehow when confronted by the sea of people, we still couldn't help but be astonished. Wooooooaaahhhhh.... look at people!! Dance sell off!!

One of our first stops was the VIP area where the who's who mingled. Besides the complimentary alco, folks here were also treated to some delightful and delicious eats as well. Up in the mix we also noticed the sexy Jamaican duo Brick & Lace (photo) taking in de vibes. Getting a slight bird's eye view from up in de elevated VIP area, we noticed bars running up both the left and right sides of the party with a Heineken bar at the end of the left side. The DJ was located way up front, high above all under a nicely decorated tent. We wander if that's why they call them High Fidelity/Less Than Zero .... humm!! Benny & Kern, large up everytime!

Leaving VIP, we then headed back into the masses, making our way to the bar. Now for the enormous sized crowd, the bars seemed to be operating smoothly and seeing some familiar faces bartending only made things better ;-) In two two's it was Johnnie in hand and we on de move! With this much people here, it also meant that we had our work cut out for us and also the fact that everyone wanted to hold a little small convo with us as well only served as an extra deterrent. Small ting though ... iz always luv for our fans!

This fete is one of TJJ's "thumbs up" fetes. We could go on and on about how much sexy people was in de party and how de music created a vibe of pure ecstasy, that de wide variety of premium drinks lasted all night long, and how good de free doubles went down. But then again, wouldn't it be a lot better if you were actually there??!! For those of you who missed this one.... remember, once cud be ah mistake, buh twice .... now that wud just be ah damn shame!

Following de Rhythm Section to de exit ... D’ local Juice out!

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Eyes Wide Shut 2006
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