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Photos by Roopie
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Berlin Carnival of Cultures 2013
Street Parade - Part 2

Date: Sunday 19th May 2013
Location: Hermannplatz to Yorckstraße. Berlin, Germany
Promotions: Werkstatt der Kulturen (WdK)
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

Sunday - time for the street parade. There were 77 trucks in this year's parade but only 3 are Trini/Soca bands - Carnival Explosion (#45), TnT Masqueraders (#52) and the big band Carnival Fever (#77) being the very last truck. This meant lots of priming up time. Where is that Chronic?! By the end of the parade "Wheeeeey look at people?!?!!" was appropriate and from the looks of the crowd they were still having a time. De vibes cyar done!

Giving the Soca junkies another option this year was ... >> READ FULL REVIEW

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