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The Green Revolution, LIVE GREEN ... "Living Green"
Date: Monday 1st June 2009
Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel. Port-Of-Spain, Trinidad W.I.
Promotions: Fashion Week Trinidad & Tobago

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Monday night at Fashion Week revealed an impressive line up of designers who put on a high-energy show. The night opened with Claudia Pegus who’s Obama themed presentation was a hit with the audience. Claudia’s models strutted down the runway in Michelle-esque creations accompanied by funky jazz/ soul music. Her finale was a recreation of the Obama’s famous first dance to "At Last" sung by Beyonce.

EarthMember4Life also added a unique element to the show as they presented their casual clothing collection. Their show opened with a break-dancer and their models carried “I’m an Earth Member for Life” placards, which gave the presentation an edgy feel. They also had some yummy barebacked male models, which is always a plus!

Other highlights on the night included Machel Montano’s Boy Boy collection, a children’s t-shirt line with characters from Mr. HD’s children’s storybook of the same name. The presentation added a much welcomed burst of effervescence to the evening as the youngsters paraded down the runway with plenty antics, of course to an HD Soca soundtrack. Very cute!

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Photos By Tuere K. & Kadesha C.
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The show closed with Radical Designs who offered their usual fare of funky functional clothing with clean lines and a wearable quality that has made them a popular staple on the local fashion scene for years. Radical’s nod to the night’s theme “Living Green” was earthy prints on their casual garments.

Once again the night was sold out which is a clear indication that the FWTT committee is making successful strides in highlighting the local fashion industry and what is has to offer. Fashion Week was definitely a must attend on the lists of who’s who’s as well as we noticed several local icons including Peter Minshall and former Miss Universe Penny Commisiong-Chow in the audience. As well as America’s Next Top Model Cycle 11 winner McKey Sullivan who took a break from hitting the runway, as she had the previous nights, to enjoy the show.

What was notable about Monday’s show was the diversity in the designers which created a welcome break from the monotony of seeing the same faces doing the same poses for the fourth night in a row. Kudos to all the designers, Claudia Pegus, Simply Garnetts, Stacy Smith Designs, Mariska’s, Earthmember4life, Boy Boy and Radical Designs who delivered a show that was enjoyable in its entirety.


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