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Girl Power 2009 "Crave"
Date: Friday 20th February 2009
Location: Queen's Park Oval. Port-Of-Spain, Trinidad
Promotions: ISLANDpeople
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HD Rules Girl Power, but the night belonged to Fay-Ann

It’s Fantastic Friiiiidaaaayyyy!!!! Except we did not go to what turned out to be a historic Soca Monarch 2KWine (next year fo sho), we were at the always popular Girl Power "CRAVE" edition.

I haven’t been to GP in at least 5 years, so I decided this was the year to hit it. Earlier in the night, we were bussin' a rhel hard lime at the Corner Bar and Crobar, so it was a runeeen de house bathe and change and head for the Oval.

Oh lawd, it was a lil' confusing as to which entrance Media had to use. And we can tell you that the Backstage/Artiste entrance was no joke. Even Machel’s own brother, Marcus, had to confirm who he was when he arrived. They were not playing! Now we were supposedly allowed access to everywhere, but it felt like one of those maze puzzles with plenty of dead ends as we tried to find our way between backstage, general and VIP. Unlike past years, the new GP venue set up didn't allow VIP patrons access to the general admission area. So if you didn't have access to all areas, you essentially had to walk around the Oval everytime. However, we eventually figured out the inside track.

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Photos By Lia H., Natasha Mc., Rae L., & Yohann G.
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The DJ’s were jamming the hardcore fete chunes and the rain started coming down ... big steupssss. By the time we reach on the inside it could have been hailing golf balls cuz the fete was ram jam and everyone was having a time. Comedian Rachel Price was her usual outrageous self onstage entertaining the crowd and other host, J.W soon joined in the antics.

After checking the vibes backstage and in general, it was time to move on. Well your girl still got skills and climbed the backstage railing onto the Brewhouse in the VIP. Yes, I was not walking aaaallll the way around the building to get in.. sooooraayyy! Braapsss ... is crew and crew and crew I kept running into and everybody was wining low low low! Doh talk fuh de jamishness by one of the light poles! Eh heh, Greenz posse ah see allyuh! Getting drinks was a breeze, and this VIP was open bar, so yuh done know GP fetegoers were practically wining sideways! smile

Well I don’t know what o’clock it was, but Machel Montano HD was creating quite a frenzy. The set was long, and I must say besssss! I an all wining low! HA! When HD finished with us we sweaaattteeeeee.. oh gad oye! Well we wine so much that we made a b-line for the food. Here nah, I tink I moving back yes ... dat food was GREAT! I parked my tail by the cassava ... yummy!

The besssss highlight of the night was the news that new mom Fay-Ann Lyons-Alvarez swept both Int'l Groovy & Power titles at Fantastic Friday. I could just imagine the lakaray in the stadium ... heeee! Our TJJ TV crew caught up with newly crowned Soca Monarch Queen (see interview) and her hubby backstage to share in their excitement. The Asylum family was up next, and well all I can say ... Oval done ... Mash up!!

As per her doctors orders, the new Queen of everyting Soca in TnT was not allowed to perform so her hubby pulled up a chair and had the audience sing her songs to her.

They trying to flop me (Tell them ah keep moving doh stop)
Ah know they ciah stop me (Tell them ah keep moving doh stop)
Long time they wah drop me (Tell them ah keep moving doh stop)
So they underrate me (Tell them ah keep moving doh stop)
(Let these people know)
Tell them I am not my father
Bad like him but de truth be told
Like me there will be no other
(Dis is not a sham)
Who god bless don't put asunder
If you don't believe that this is true
Meet Super Blue

Epic! Well you know Babylon reach tuh shut us down, but not before Bunji who was later joined by Edwin Yearwood, Benjai and Beenie Man, finished destroying the Oval. Whew! smile Although we're accustomed to leaving GP after the sun rises to a Machel performance, it still turned out to be a grrrreeeaaat Girl Power, rain and all!

P ... runnin out de Oval wid a plate ah cassava! Mwaahahahaha!

Related Galleries
Girl Power 2008
Girl Power 2007
Girl Power 2006
