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The Alternative Carnival Concept 3+3 "The Trinity"
Date: Saturday 26th January 2008
Location: Hasley Crawford Stadium. Trinidad
Promotions: Machel Montano HD
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery
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AC 3+3! AC 3+3! AC 3+3! (the jingle from the TV ad still stuck in we head). Action time Jungle Juicers! We were on our way to the latest installment of the highly anticipated Alternative Concept which was held at the National Stadium. Talk bout traffic!!! This show had Port of Spain on lock down. It did not matter where you were coming from there was no escaping the insane traffic.

Well after about how long in the heart of the traffic, we made it inside but believe it or not, the next step was finding a spot in the VIP parking, then to walk a mile and a half to get in at the media entrance. Lol! Pressha! Due to the traffic we unfortunately missed Peter C. & The Orchestra so we immediately set up and got cracking.

Of course the stadium had been transformed to the ultimate concert venue for the season. The elevated stage was set for the perfect view. Everyone got all festive with their flags, rags, whistles etc... it was on.
The crowd was a bit sparse. Sorry guys, we know that you must have been po'd whilst stuck in traffic knowing you missing out on some of the performances. However, the folks who were already there wasted no time jamming to the sounds of Clyde the Outlaw. We were a bit confused by the fact that the DJ did not really buss up the dance with the latest tunes but chose to play a lot of the hits from last year, but hey, the people were still wining. It is wining season after all.

The stage was set for Kes the Band. I dang near lost my voice screaming with excitement! Immediately, Kes ripped it up with his latest hits; "The Remedy", "Wave It Away" and "Right Dey" just to name a few. He even gave us a taste of an oldie but goodie, "Push Back". Without fail, his performances are always electrifying and on point. Maaaan everyone was so caught up in his melodic hits AND... he took his shirt off... it was a wrap!!! Women were losing their minds! Hell, I nearly lost my mind too! Lol!!! Of course, our very own "Caribbean Girl", Nadia Batson was also exciting.

Well folks bum rushed the bar after Kes the Band completed their set. Hear nah... VIP was outta control! Insanely long lines for the porter potties and just forget the bar. The bartenders were very helpful but the drinks lacked power. Hey, there was complimentary fruit salad if that was your thing. We all love VIP, but with perks right?

While Akil & Associate Degree kept the folks entertained, there was still a steady flow of new arrivals. Once again, the DJ's playlist was a bit disappointing. The expectation was hit after hit of 2K8... wha de heh?
Anywho... Bam! Roy Cape All Stars! Hey, technically I just reach and haven't seen them, so who knew that they were going to buss "Breathless" for their intro. It was fierce! The crowd went mad!!! The flag waving was almost manic! The big chune; "Gyal Farm" by Kerwin Du Bois & Shal Marshall mash up the crowd! Doh talk for the gyal farm ladies.... fellas that would have been a treat for you! The "Party Animal" himself, Problem Child mash up de dance. Bam, "Breathless" again!!! How's that for an intro and outtro!

There was a lull in the excitement after that set was done because like I said before, the DJ's weren't doing it. People were more focused on going refilling their drinks and "set ups", satisfying their hunger and relieving themselves so they can be fully prepared for Machel Montano HD!!! Well amidst the socializing, there was an announcement that we should all look up at the sky. Veterans of the Alternative Concept already know that there is some extreme surprise in store. Lo and behold.... the Red Bull Sky Divers (photo)!!! They both launched (photos 138-140) from a chopper that appeared to be a falling star almost. Have you ever seen thousands of people crane their necks pointing upwards?? It's quite amusing actually. I mean you could not help grin ear to ear in awe. If you don't believe.... check out our clip of the landing if you think I'm playing!!

That set it off!!!! Machel Montano appeared out of a giant African inspired drum (photo), you know like popping out of a cake, except not sexy. Lol. The crowd response was thunderous!!! I cyar tek it!!! Lawd!!! Folks, you just had to be there. Machel has set such a high standard that we all always expect nothing less than fyahriffic!!! (New tings.... doh copy meh... ah go tell!!!) He immediately launched into hit after hit. Phew! The color code was black, white and red.... hence his costume changes accordingly.

The surprises continued with performances by the Legends or Kings of our Soca, Calypso & Steelpan genre, David Rudder, The Mighty Sparrow, Ken 'The Professor' Philmore and Len 'Boogsie' Sharpe. Their deep and riveting performances sent chills up your spine and made you feel proud to be born of the sweet soil of Trinidad and Tobago. The session with David Rudder took us back, and then some. Pan, well you done know, it was exhilarating. The Professor was accompanied by the latest prodigy in the steel pan genre, Dane Gulston.... and last but certainly not least by any means, Uncle Sparrow reminded us of why he is a living legend. "Yabba dabba dabba doya.... !!!! The crowd participation was so enjoyable that you just had to chuckle a bit. How many of you can sing along to "Congo Man" and "Salt Fish"??

Well the tempo was picked up ten fold with the remix session. Machel was rollin it with Alison Hinds and Patrice Roberts did her thing with Jamaican dancehall sensation Macka Diamond for their remix of the ever popular "Wukkin' Up". "Hoola hoola hoola hoola hoola hoop! Her costume was fyah too! Anthony B blessed the stage with Farmer Nappy for the "Chippin' Remix". The next thing I knew I felt like burning some inscense and tings. "Wine and roses for my babaaayyy!!! Whooo... hmph. Then they actually had the nerve to take us to church!!! Shaggy took to the stage for the remix of "Wining Season". I swear it's a conspiracy now because they made it extremely hard for me to focus!! How am I supposed to remember what happened when the vibe is just so right that you just want to lose yourself?

Whooo... lawd... it did not stop there.... Hip-Hop/Reggaeton artist Pitbull buss on the stage. I dam near fell off of my perch in the media pit. My bumper not that big but I was winin like I KNEW I had the wickedest bumper!!! The only missing element was Lil John and truss.... it would have been a Reynolds after that. Yeeeaaahhh.... Okaaaayyy!!! Pitbull was high energy hot Latino flava!!! Whoo hooo!!! I expect to hear "Defense (The Anthem)" main stream! Hey... that's a great Superbowl theme.... Defense!!! Defense!!! Goooo Giants!!! Somebody tell the cheerleaders that they should run that for halftime!! Heh Heh! Hey, I am repping NY for TJJ! Don't forget, according to Machel, Brooklyn is a country!!! Lol! Plenty Trini's run BK.... ent!!! Da me un gasolina... ah love eeet!!!

Oh now you already know that the pace was on and there was no time for anything other than wining and jumping. Who say to Blaze? Oh gad oye! Remember the Olympic torch? Yah, I know that you only think of it every four years but Machel had a torch wayaaaay in the air, plus blazin the stage... literally!!! De heat.... ahhhh.... de heat.... ahhh.... de heat! Dancers and moko jumbies filled the stage at this point. "Buss de confetti!!!" I dang nearly fell off my perch again with the yellow confetti and multi color mylar streamers flying in a frenzy much like the audience!! "Buss de fireworks!" Well now self the fete done gone clear!!! "We playing mass till de end ah we days......." Big up all the bands this year! Surprise, surprise.... a crew in the crowd hit Machel off with a yellow t-shirt and it was printed with "D' Heat" (photo). That's die hard fan dedication for you!

I'm telling you folks, the show was fyahrriffic!!! Somebody say, "De heat.... ahhhh." Run "Blazin' D Trail". Hey even little babies who just learning to talk love "de heat... ahhh... de heat!!! Machel Montano HD... give this man a lusty round of applause!!!!

-- TJJ Carnival 2008 Frontline

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