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TRIBE "Ole time someting ... Come Back Again"
Carnival Tuesday 2007 Pt. 1

Date: Tuesday 20th February 2007
Promotions: TRIBE Carnival
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It's Carnival Tuesday in sweet TnT, the grand finale of the Fetealotathon®! Carnival Tuesday means full costume and an early start. No more rolling out of bed at 9:30am and rushing dong to the Savannah tuh meet the band, today the band rolls out @ 7:30am. Yesterday we experienced the great TRIBE service we have come to know and love. However, we had an issue with security/traffic dudes, not being too concerned with where the people fit into the whole picture. Would today be any better? Will the service be as toppa toppa as yesterday? Let's have a look.

TJJ reach the band early o'clock, no need for a shuttle, no time tuh waste, today is 'do or die'! Like ah see a sign in Tobago say, "Meh liver was behavin' bad so today ah out tuh punish it!" All man jack in dey full gettup today. Tourists with dey cameras in dey glee and excited like ah Tobagonian in a goat race. All smallies have on dey head piece so yuh hadda pick and choose yuh bumsie else yuh might lorse ah eye! The weather started off pretty good this mornin' but by the time we cross the first judgin' point (downtown), ah never see so much wet fowl in meh life, all pretty mas dun. Yuh know Trini's doh, rain just add a whole new dimension to the excitement. "Jumbie" in the rain yes, we ready…we ready!!!

It's kinda sad to have to talk about "the first judging point" doh eh. By the way, where were the other judging points? What's more important is where d heck we stage gone!!!! That was a real gobar of the highest order for real. Carnival really missed the whole stage excitement; it was like there was no climax on either day. Lewwe talk bout the jump up situation now doh. Ah have to ask the question again, where the blinkin stinkin they wanted us to jump up boy? Ah never run behind truck and run from big truck so much in meh life. They wanted the trucks no more than 1.469 millimeters apart at all times... So lewwe see, that leaves us on the side walk or pressin up against ah speaker loud enough to make yuh deaf at the side of a truck, and that is only where the road was wide enough to stand on the side of the truck. And yuh know Trini doh know bout removing the old road before they resurface, so d road is be high high with a big slope on both sides. That is where we was fightin' up tuh chip dong d road. Ah see so much near sprain ankle eh. The good part is that we spoke to the leader of the TRIBE late Tuesday afternoon and he assured us that they will be taking our feedback into consideration when planning for 2008. So we hadda wait and see if we get back d road to chip BEHIND a truck!!! One of the major reasons that TRIBE hits the mark is because they really listen to feedback, so we have all confidence that next year d road is ours once again.

So it was a good run folks. The Fetealotathon® included over 20 events, and yes, we were actually at every single one of them! When we say we know Carnival, we aint makin' no skylark. Thanks to all of the TJJ Team for making it a safe and fun carnival. Thanks to all of the promoters who invited us to enjoy their events so we could share it with the world. And remember if Bunji Garlin, Destra, Shurwayne, Machel or whichever big Soca artist signin' in a bar in Egypt, the Jungle Juice International Team will be there! :-) For now, we headin' to the sister isle to relax, after Machel in Zen Ash Wednesday doh! :-)

PS. Who going Machel Montano HD and Friends 25th Anniversary Celebration at Madison Square Garden in March? See ya there!

Big W aka The Appraiser of Team TJJ

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