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Broward Caribbean Carnival 2007 Pt. 2
Date: Sunday 7th October 2007
Venue: Fort Lauderdale Stadium. Ft. Lauderdale FL
Promoters: Broward Caribbean Carnival Inc. (BCCI)

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Allyuh, if yuh see people in One Island band this year.... thousands ah people, and three quarters of them not even registered to play! Officer Capano of the Ft. Lauderdale police call on his walkie talkie right in front ah we... "10-94 … Capano to depot. I need more back up right now!!!!" But allyuh could imagine thousands of people trying to go through de gate, and officer Capano with a measly mountain bike trying to stop them from breaking down de gate?? Is rhel Kicks, yes (see gallery pt 2, photos 123-125)!!! But within two minutes of de man call, two officers on horses come riding through de crowd like de Lone Ranger and his best friend Tonto. In an instant, everything settled down. Now other than that little piece of action by de gate, is rhel niceness in Broward Carnival... NO QUESTION!

During the day, Mascots International revellers well play themselves. The costumes, as well as, the masqueraders looked great as they represented and captivated the hundreds of spectators on hand to witness the parade and festival. The majority of the other smaller mas bands couldn't have cared less about their numbers, as long as Soca was playing, people were jamming!! Even the little ones had a good time showing off their costumes to their elders. Well except for one little girl, who probably was asking herself, "Why mummy dress me up like ah peacock for??!!"

De streets were filled with people from all over the globe and the TJJ Team was on hand to capture this spectacle. What can we say, we love our job!! Even a few people from the Mud Band found their way into the crowd trying to entice the onlookers, challenging them to engage in the festivities.

After all de jump up and prance up, yuh know is time to feed de belly.... so we hit up D'Trini Spot. Nicholas and his mom rhel handle dat corn soup and de bake and shark. An doh talk bout de crab... right ladies??? It didn't stand ah chance!! Big up Gerald and the entire Trini Spot fam.

While chillin' out ah lil' bit, a familiar sound became very prevalent just around 8pm or so. Guess what? Is ah Tassa Rhythm Section heating up de park yes, and rhel Guyanese girls throwing waist for so. Even ah TJJ Rep couldn't resist, and was inveigled to play the Tassa drum at one time. As usual Panidad, we not calling any names right? Hehe. De music sound rhel sweet. But dat is Broward... an assortment of cultures, races, ethnicities, music and foods.

While half de TJJ crew fueling dey belly, de next half of de crew was able to lime backstage and spend some time with Soca legends and enthusiast such as Byron Lee, Crazy and Roy Cape... picking their brains. But hear this, doh mind we were gettin' kicks on Officer Capano earlier, but de man come through for TJJ, helping us get backstage because security was real real tight. Like the media bracelets the Broward Caribbean Carnival committee provided didn't mean anything to security.... cheups.

Anyway, while everybody just breezing out before taking the stage for their performance, just so we hear de MC say, "Get off de stage" in ah loud commanding tone, repeating that instruction a few times. No sooner than the people came off, that is when we realize that the main stage was collapsing. With stage engineers scuffling through the crowd in plain sight, the stage roof look like an elevator descending slowly, until it was stopped by the towering speaker boxes. And while the Chief Stage Engineer made sure his crew was in place to get the rebuilding going, the MC and DJ continued with the event on the side to the delight of the crowd. Even the Fire Marshall stood there looking on with disbelief, but he let the event continue without his interruption, to our surprise.

In two-twos, the stage fix and it even look better than before. By the time the second half of the TJJ crew reached the stage and began mingling with the massive crowd, Leon Coldero and Code 868 were on de restructured stage electrifying the thousands of Soca enthusiasts. Uncle Sam, a Caribbean born white boy singing for Code 868 was getting nuff forwards from the crowd. His ability to sing Soca and Reggae is surely beginning to shine. For the records, de man rhel talented. Even de little rain that came couldn't stop him. Roy Cape, the ageless wonder, and his band represented TnT proud as always.

The evening boiled down to a close, just a few minutes to 11pm. And as the thousands made their way out of the park, Uncle Lyle and Uncle B from DC Carnival, could still be seen in de back of their van with food and drinks. Broward Caribbean Carnival, Inc., another job well done! For another successive year, it was a hit... from the masqueraders, to the entertainment, to the vendors, to the visitors, to the limers.... and the list goes on.

Joy Juice for the TJJ fam
(Sig Juice aka P.S.I Juice contributed to this review)

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