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ISLANDpeople Mas Launch 2k6 "The Enchanted Forest"
Date: Sunday 11th September 2005
Venue: The National Stadium - Trinidad

Promoters: ISLANDpeople
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

Since the ISLANDpeople Mas 2006 Media Launch back in August, where we caught a glimpse of their premier presentation, The Enchanted Forest, the time had finally arrived folks... yes, we talking about the much anticipated ISLANDpeople Mas 2k6 band launch.

Cameras... check, back up batteries... check, TJJ crew link up... check, drinks... no need because ISLANDpeople say it's a Drinks Inclusive Affair! The event kicked off at 6pm and TJJ rolled up to the National Stadium around eight-ish. Rule #53, Section 2... Never arrive at a Band Launch late, unless you plan on missing the presentation of costumes. Now, thank goodness for two things... 1. Plenty of parking space as it seemed that all roads lead to Stadium on this particular Sunday evening. And 2. The courtesy shuttle bus which saved folks a long walk to the Courtyard. Although some folks chose to walk... like they either didn't want to ruffle their nice outfits or they wanted the warm up exercise for all the drinking and wining in store for the evening!

On the inside, the venue was laid out in typical ISLANDpeople style... well spaced, pretty and very organized. You had your various drink stations placed strategically so that partygoers who came out to drink would not go empty handed for the night. While waiting for the late stragglers to reach, the already filled venue had folks mingling and getting their 'drink on', so we decided to link up gracious hostess and PR for ISLANDpeople Mas, Danielle A. Jones, to take us behind the scenes. Well yes, backstage o'backstage. All we could hear was, "Oooooooguuuuuud.... Trini sweet too bad!", as camera men were busy snapping away at the pretty women in costumes. Judging from all the energy backstage, we knew that a wicked presentation was definitely in store for the massives.

A little after 9pm, it was showtime... The Enchanted Forest, the premier Island People Mas presentation. Awesome stuff we tell you... simply awesome. The presentation told an actual story of a magical journey for each Chapter of The Enchanted Forest story through a unique and exciting mix of artsy and sexy mas. The stage with long walkway was constantly busy with sexy models in some very hot & exotic costumes, accompanied by wicked effects produced by the dry ice, smoke and confetti. The crowd loved every minute of the presentation as you heard the oooouh's and ahhhhh's as the different sections graced the main stage. We can still hear the MC or prerecorded voice in our heads, "Butterfly... Butterfly... Buttt... Butttt... Butterfly."

Now, we not sure if everyone in the launch knew (be sure to check the TJJ Party Advisor ticker next rounds), but when the presentation was finished and all the models were on the runway, you heard a voice in the backdrop sing out.... "You know I love the things you do for me.... yeah... every touch I get I go crazy..." Okay, we admit we are no singers, so DJ run de big track... "YOU". Yeah, yeah... Mr. Machel Montano and Xtatik was in the house! When we look so, is people jumping like their gone mad, smallies on men shoulders and women throwing all kinda sexy wine as confetti blew in de air. People even reach on de stage gettin' on real wassi. It was definitely a pore raising experience. We could only think to ourselves, no matter what nonsense happening in we country, at the end of the day, Trinidad & Tobago is a paradise! Even the little 5-10 minutes of rain that fell later on in the night couldn't stop folks from having a good time. Rain... who cares! Work on Monday... who cares! The launch went on until after 1am, and so did the drinking!

We want to large up all crew and crew on the inside... Baje International crew, nice everytime. Much love goes out to all of our ISLANDpeople family... wicked, wicked band launch. As Machel said, there were not only plenty of hot models on stage, but also in the crowd! We definitely looking forward to seeing ISLANDpeople Mas on Carnival Monday and Tuesday 2006. By the way,
The Enchanted Forest, the premier Island People Mas presentation, will be an all-inclusive, 14 section band. For more information, check out out their website

Gentle peoples - enjoy the pictures. TJJ signing out.

-Daddy Chooks