Fete With The Saints 2024 'Rediscover'

Warm up weekend is here again.  If there’s one fete The Party Appraiser not missin’ is the highlight of warmup weekend, Fete With The Saints (FWTS).  Several years ago, we identified this weekend as a great opportunity to get a real taste of carnival, before the rest of the world arrives.  We get to touch the soil and see what the streets are saying about the music we would have been streaming for weeks.  Who knew this weekend would become a thing, with folks opting to fly in for it, in lieu of the main event.  Still the premier event of this weekend of pure pace, FWTS, remains the most sort-after ticket for the entire Trinidad Carnival season, talk nuh J.

Fete With The Saints 2024 'Rediscover' 
It really is the little things, the attention to detail, that sets this fete apart.  As always, we buss the tape promptly at 6PM.  Part of the experience is to get the twilight vibe of the fete, just before nightfall hits, and the lightshow begins.  This year, the media entrance was the same as the entrance for patrons, an excellent idea, as it allowed me to get the full partygoer experience from parking to vibe of  the entrance, and what an experience it was. The WOW factor of the entrance was on 100, and the sight of the stage off in the distance was a moment.  Rediscover, this year’s theme set the stage for spectacular and memorable backdrops.  FWTS, somehow managed to outdo themselves, with yet another jaw dropping, worldclass stage production and light show.  This was the kind of production that would make any Trini proud, and amazed to see how far event creation in Trinidad and Tobago has come.  There is not an all-inclusive Soca event anywhere in the world that can match FWTS.

Fete With The Saints 2024 'Rediscover'

A quick trip backstage to get a bird’s eye view of the fete and it was off to the food court.  As always, this food court must be tackled is phases throughout the night J. Every vendor seemed to have been on their A game on the night.  I’ll let the pictures tell that story.  The custodial staff would be there to take your empty plate before you could make it to a trash can.  The service was exquisite.  

After checking out all the specialty bars in the main area It was time to check out VIP, to see how much better it really could be J. VIP is definitely worth the experience, if that’s your cup of tea.  Moet and Perrier-Jouët galore, carving stations, charcuterie boards, top shelf everything, including Hendricks, for my Gin crew.

Fete With The Saints 2024

By 7:30 the momentum was building, Hans and Gonzo had been working on them from the time the bell rang at 6 PM, and we are never late for school J.  At 8 PM the A Team band took the stage and the steady flow of artistes began.  Olatunji started the action and had the crowd moving with his mainstays like Engine Room and his 2024 monster, Inventor.  Next up was Shal who set Kerwin up quite nicely to mash up the fete in its early stages!  Kerwin, had one of his best seasons, and did not disappoint the FWTS crowd.  If yuh hear tune, Feteland, Too Real, Bacchanalist and my tune for the season Energy Killers!  Kirwin is in the discussion of the top five most consistent Soca artistes.  

The would-be road march king Micel Teja was up next, it is in we DNA, nuff said. Patrice did her thing and Nuphoric took over before Destra took the stage.  After Destra’s therapy session, Nailah and Skinny came on to resuscitate the fete.  Lyrikal helped to keep the energy high before Kes took the stage and really had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands.  Joined on stage by the like of Uncle Iwer George, the energy was consistently high and was the perfect way to culminate the event. Kes The Band was also one of the highlights of the entire season, added several more immortal records to their discography.

Fete With The Saints 2024 

The main bar, the VIP bar and the food court held strong all night long, the true test of a quality all inclusive fete.  At 12:30 Moet was still flowing, and the food court was still pumping.  Thanks for having us, FWTS.  Another worldclass presentation.  True Pumpers will always be the first in and the last out of this one, regardless of where we are coming form, or where we heading to next J

Wade Allard, The Party Appraiser. AKA 1914 Juice

>> Fete With The Saints 2024 "Rediscover" - Part 1
>> Fete With The Saints 2024 "Rediscover" - Part 2
>> Fete With The Saints 2024 "Rediscover" - Part 3
>> Trinidad Carnival 2024 Coverage


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