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Photos by Cass S.
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ISLANDpeople Mas 2015 Band Launch "Celebrate"
Date: Friday 15th August 2014
Location: Queen's Hall. St. Anns, Trinidad, W.I.
ISLANDpeople Mas
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Crowd 8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars 8.0
Venue 9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars 9.0
Vibe 8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars 8.0
Food & Drink 8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars 8.0
Service 8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars 8.0

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