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Photos By Anthony E.M.
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Miami Vice
Date: Saturday 18th June 2011
Rivière Salée - Martinique F.W.I.
Promotions: West Indies Production & 2K Event

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How did we calculate this?
Crowd 9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars 9.0
Venue 9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars 8.0
Vibe 9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars 9.0
Food & Drink 9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars 8.0
Service 9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars9 of 10 stars 10

Let's start by the end for a change : IT WAS A BESSSSSSSSSS AND WEETTT  PARTY !!!
Ok ok okkkkk, let me calm down and have a deep breathe now because you need some explanations about what happened last Saturday 18th. Two of the big Martinican promoters were celebrating their 3 years Anniversary in a nice villa and for the occasion, they called it MIAMI VICE !!! Well you already know what that means: TIME TO PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR in pure ... >> READ MORE
