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Photos By Amiel Barrimond
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Rotterdam 2010 Carnival Extras
Date: Saturday 31st July 2010
Rotterdam City Centre. Rotterdam. Holland
Promotions: Triniconnections

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So after Berlin Carnival 2010 and D-One telling me for the last three years that Rotterdam Carnival is one of the hottest and sexiest carnivals in Europe, I decided that I am definitely coming - I do not know why it took me until the last minute to buy my ticket but thank God for EasyJet and like D-One say, "better late than never!!!" The expectation was two (2) days of fun, sun, hopefully plenty beautiful women and pure entertainment ..... So by all indications this weekend would once again be a memorable one!

The particular carnival in Rotterdam has been around for some years now and from what I have been told, is getting bigger and bigger each and every year. Apparently the carnival is notorious to be a wet one, being visited by rain showers during past episodes. D-One has made a point to highlight that since ... >> READ MORE

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