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Photos By Yohann G.
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Unplugged Tuesdays @ Woodford Café
featuring KARMA

Date: Tuesday 12th January 2010
Location: Woodford Café. Trinidad, W.I.
Woodford Café.
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

How did we calculate this?
Crowd 7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars 7.0
Venue 7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars 7.0
Vibe 7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars 7.0
Food & Drink 8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars8 of 10 stars 8.0
Service 7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars7 of 10 stars 7.0

Karma featuring Ravi B. and Nisha B., with new frontline singer Gregory Ayuen (formerly with Imij & Co.) gave the Woodford Cafe limers a nice mix of tunes - from the popular Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feelin" to Ravi B's 2010 hit "Ah Drinka" - the band kept their engergy high until the end.
