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Photos By Mummy Sofia
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Berlin Carnival 2009
Date: Sunday 31st May 2009
Location: Kreuzberg District, Berlin. Germany
Promotions: Werkstatt der Kulturen and Various Promoters

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After a mad party last night, I felt surprisingly very fresh and ready to go. The only advantage of taking antibiotics without alcohol during carnival; next day no hangover! The sun barely shinning and the weather forecast was not promising but we keeping our fingers crossed because we know that mother nature love carnival fuh so.

Time to move in the direction of the starting point and eh eh, the sun shinning! Some little beefy grey clouds still lingering around, but spirits high and we believe ... we believe that its gonna be a good day regardless, cause it's carnival and we know we more than ready!

Just like last year, the parade was reeking of culture! Peoples from various walks of life once again used the opportunity to go all out and represent for their heritage, giving onlookers a rare taste of how they celebrate themselves. The colour and splendor was a marvelous site in the sad to say ever decreasing sunlight. Slowly, the sun faded but the masqueraders as well as the almost million people watching the parade failed to realize this. The carnival was now in full swing and even though mother nature was on this day a bit grouchy, Berlin refused to take notice.

People were in good spirits dancing to their special music, from salsa to reggae and house to the joyous african drums just to name a few. The atmosphere was happy and festive. Once again the celebrations took on a uniformity of togetherness and the feeling to just let all your worries go, even if it be only for a few hours.

This year I was rolling with the group, "Purple Explosion." A combination of YAAM and the Yard/Escobar crews. This meant two trucks, so twice the fun. Tony Tempo, Supersonic and Soca Twins on the YAAM truck and myself (Jammasters), Mash Up Crew, Threeks, Soca Revolution and Barney Millah on the other. Wicked combinations! I had the perfect vantage point to be TJJ eyes and ears. And boy was my eyes happy eyes in this group cause the ladies were stunning with a capital "S". From the get go you felt the good vibrations. Happy faces, wining waists and sweet soca music filling the empty spaces. If I had to use one word to sum up the day, "ENERGY" would be the word.

Hats off to the girls running the mas camp cause they did a wicked, wicked job. The quality and detail put into this year's costumes was evidence that these ladies were very serious about pushing the quality of their carnival to a higher standard. Nuff Respect! Photographers were literally falling all over themselves to take shots of these sexy, half naked creatures in their purple creations. All the DJ's were on point with their selections throwing in the right tunes at the right times. It was a struggle to keep non-masqueraders out the band for obvious reasons, and before long it was a big free for all wild out party! Hoordes of people moved with us. Behind every truck was people like sand! Jumping, waving, screaming "pull up" when qued to by whichever MC had the mic at the time. Niceness to the max!

It was getting dark now and people were slowly falling out of the crew as we were almost to the end of the course. The rains had held up nicely except for a few sprinkles here and there. But then the clouds buss and the blessings came down. The people wanted water so they got it in buckets and buckets! All versions of the rain dance were on full display. Mad funny but glorious at the same time. Check for yuhself -

In conclusion, Berlin Carnival community has grown and matured tremendously in the space of one year and everyone involved should be very proud of what they were able to accomplish. I for one swore last year at my first Berlin Carnival to never miss it again and after this year, my sentiments were just re-inforced! To all true soca and carnival lovers, start saving for next year. This Berlin experience is worth every penny ... and then some!

Congrats to all the organisers, dj's, mas camp workers, various carnival groups and all the people who came out to support the carnival and make it such a major success. TJJ was proud to be there and of course next year we will be there again with 100% love and support!

Give thanks!

Jammasters & Herbalize-it
