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Date: Friday 23rd May 2008
Location: The Kings Place. Brooklyn, NY
Promotions: NY Caribbean Vibes (NYCV)
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Yaaaayyy!!! It's my favorite time of year in NYC again ... Memorial Day Weekend! It's a time when I take a moment to remember our fallen soldiers, take in a lime or two for Fleet week and welcome sweet Soca Summer and all de bacchanal!! I must admit, I was wondering if I would literally have to bundle up for the weekend because the whole week before; one minute it hot, next ting I need a scarf!!! Big steups! Anyhow, this weekend did start off with a bit of a chill but ain't nothing a shot of Uncle Johnnie couldn't fix! Heh heh! (For those of you keeping up, I am back to scotch!)

The team was definitely revved up for Verve and we made sure to arrive quite early. After a quick frisk and an unexpected staircase climb to the entrance of the event we were greeted by a pixie couple ... seriously ... straight outta Narnia (photo)! Not sure how or why, but it was a cute surprise as we entered the room illuminated with black light. I immediately thought to myself greeeeaaat.... just when I thought I'd get away with not lint rolling my black pants! *lol* I looked like a lint trap! Everything glowed. There were drapes from the ceiling to the floor and butterflies resting on the walls. The vibe cozy and intimate. But why was the place empty at almost 1AM? Turns out everyone decided to arrive at the same time because before we knew it the place was ram! Sweet ... action time!!

With no time to waste, we got down to the business. Drinks were flowing, people were wining! The music was on the money!!! There was also a deck to facilitate the "chiefers", outside winers and GP who just want to breeze out. Hey, have you ever been to a fete where you just completely lose track of time? Well would you believe that before we knew it the sun was peeking in on us. The crowd had filtered down to 6 degrees of close friends and the DJ just kept the chunes coming! Thanks to DJ Spice, Sounds for Life, S.L.I and Caribbean Vibe Sound System for the oldies, goodies, soca, reggae, disco! Any "Party Time" alumni out there?? You know what we mean! I think I even heard some chunes from before my time! LOL!!!

Folks, we were fettin' till it was time for breakfast! The sun was blazin' and I remember thinking that this was reminiscent of a Breakfast Party! All we needed were some darkers! The fact that it was so late/early did not seem to deter the wining sessions. There were lots of hands in the air and wining low to the ground (see photo - my kinda ting)! A woman even mounted a man's back and a few bums were thrown over shoulders (it looks like our editors pulled these photos from the final cut)!! The DJ even remixed de rum chune (Hunter's "Bring It") to: "Yuh cud bring it in ah bucket!" Why? Well some friends of the TJJ fam decided to wear the set up buckets on their heads!!! *lol* Truss ... allyuh miss out on a time!!! Psst... I wine so much that my fabulous boots started talking to me and everyone else!!! LMAO!

Verve crew ... thanks for allowing us to do our ting! We love you guys .... see you all at the next flex!

Le Petite Juice for the TJJ family
Off to the cobbler I go!!