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Caution ... "Read The Fine Print"
Date: Saturday 19th July 2008
Location: The Construction Site. Anchorage, Chaguaramas
Promotions: ISLANDpeople
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Amidst, the onslaught of the Carnival mas band launchings which are taking place in Trinidad and Tobago in anticipation of Carnival 2k9, it’s a nice departure to go and chill out in just a plain ole fete. However, plain ole fete can never describe the vibe that took place at Caution 2008.

The annual July event put on by Island People, was held at a familiar liming spot, which entertained the masses for years (before partying was centralized to Port-Of-Spain). The Anchorage/Tsunami served as a different yet appropriate venue for this year’s Caution festivities.

Upon approaching the venue, the TJJ team was greeted to an army of motor vehicles lining the Western Main Road, and after eventually gaining parking spots a mile and half a way (yes the event was that well attended) we entered. What better way to welcome a tired media team than to have 3 of Trinidad’s finest beauties ushering us in to the venue (with a smile too); we not only we arrived at the peak of the party’s excitement but we received the royal media treatment... not too shabby huh??!!

Now to the meat of the matter, over the years Island People has used Caution to emphasize to its attendees caution in driving, caution for the environment, etc. and this year was no different. The familiar ambiance including yellow “Caution” tape adorned the venue, as well as the familiar IP party staples such as best dressed females, fellas stepping correct, drinks flowing like rain, easy bar access and of course for the non-alcoholic drinkers there were numerous virgin cocktails to sample.

Now, Island People events are famous for attracting some of the hottest Caribbean people and even local celebrities. This year was no different as everyone stepped out in their best kits (local word for outfit) and the party had few posers or wall flowers; everyone broke a sweat!!! Members of all the local media houses were also there and having a time, most notably, Synergy TV VJs, 96.1FM DJs, the Red 96.7FM family and the 94.1FM Boom Battalion.

As we look forward to Island People’s 2k9 Mas presentation, we thank the staff for a fantastic event. We especially want to mention Ms. Penny Gomez (IP’s communication specialist) for her unique interest and assistance.

Later will be greater, Damian for TJJ

Related Galleries
Caution 2007
Caution 2006
Caution 2005