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Ladies 1st 2007
Date: Friday 2nd February 2007
Location: Pier 1 Carpark, Trinidad
Promotions: ZEN
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

Somebody say Ladies First!!!! Hmmmm boy.... ladies were in abundance when TJJ rolled up at Pier 1 on Friday 2nd February 2007. This was de fete where promoters gave out 2000 comps to LADIES ONLY! Well we will have slightly alter Rupee's famous saying for this fete to say ah lil' something like this, "Waaaaaaayyyyy, look at ladieeeesss!!!!" Definitely one of the first thoughts to cross our minds way before we even entered the party. Woman galore, need we say more??!! It was an event dedicated to woo and satisfy the ladies during the pre carnival fete-ing season. De fellas on the other hand, didn't even know what to do with themselves due to the large numbers all strutting their stuff, each with her own individual style and fashion trend.

Stepping on de inside, we realized that the big cast line was already on de go. Kes The Band with 'Caribbean Girl' Nadia Batson were mashing up de place from de earlies. "My Land" is definitely one of the bigger Soca tunes for 2k7, and the way Nadia holds those long notes during her performance.... just wow! (we'll let the TJJ TV Action Cam show ya what we talking bout). Before KES The Band left the stage, 2007 Chutney Soca Monarch 2nd Place winner Rikki Jai even joined in to stir up a little more excitement with his classic "Mor Tor".

The next band that everyone was eagerly awaiting to perform was that of Shurwayne Winchester and Caribbean Traffik Jam. We must say that Shurwayne and Traffik (with new addition Sean Caruth) is definitely one of the more entertaining bands for 2007... the energy is just spectacular! Shurwayne catered to the ladies performing "Don't Stop", his big 2006 Groovy Soca Monarch tune bringing on the Shiv Shakti dancers to accompany him for the song. You gotta check out Shurwayne's music video for "Don't Stop"!! Yes TJJ got the web exclusive... so as always, we're bringing it to you first! Then with hit after hit, songs like "Can't Wait" and "Open de Gate" created ah frenzy in Pier 1. Again, be sure to check out the Ladies 1st Live TJJ TV Coverage!

The DJs rocked the crowd between band performances and kept the entertainment hype. We especially loved when the hot smallies in V.I.P start to buss the "Hot Wuk"!! Presssssssuuuure!! At about 3 AM most forks were preparing for the pandemonium that was about to happen, anticipating a performance from Machel Montano HD.

That moment soon arrived when the man himself came on stage, ready to conquer and cater to every one of those females that were ready to soak in his performance and get "Higher than High", which was the first recital done by Machel and his band. Everyone with glow sticks of different colors in the night, painted a magnificent picture as they swayed from side to side, jumping up and down in a frenzy as Machel commanded the crowd. Big tune after big tune, there was no stopping as he performed songs from the Xtatik archives such as "Scandalous (Delirious)" and "Carnival Survivors". He also rocked the crowd with a little reggae for the soul performing tunes from the late great Bob Marley and incorporating that into his line up of Soca tunes.

The wicked part of Machel Montano HD performance was their "Jumbie" rendition featuring the soca boy band Surge, dancing to Michael Jackson's thriller.... whhhhhaaaatttttt!! For those of you who weren't here for Carnival 2k7 trust us, that performance is a performance that needs to be seen. (No worries, TJJ TV got ya covered!). At twenty to four Machel wrapped up his performance and left the stage. He was however, encouraged to come back on, and come back on he did. Only this time, he did something a bit different and gave his followings a taste of two of his new selections.... "Like Bollywood" (Soca Chutney flavour) and we think the other track is called "Mud" (a J'Ouvert flavour). Well after that things pretty much ended... just the die hard feters taking ah last wine or drink.

TJJ 'bounced the starter' and began we journey home, fighting up in de usual traffic as we made our way.

Related Galleries/Videos
Ladies 1st 2007 Live on TJJ TV
Ladies 1st 2006