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Xtatik On The Waterfront
Date: Saturday 24th June 2006
Location: Zanzibar, Washington DC
Promotions: Blessed Productions & Klimaxx Entertainment
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

After partying until dawn at Taboo and taking in the DC Carnival 2006 Parade, TJJ crew finally arrived at Zanzibar around 1 AM. Traffic was jammed and people were everywhere as we approached the venue. We totally lucked out with snagging a parking spot right next to Zanzibar. Since the tickets were supplied to us in advance we did not need to waste time and were on the inside without any wait.

As we made our way to the 2nd floor, we could feel de heat. Our portable TJJ Fetemeter read 100 degrees Fahrenheit ... nice! De place was ramout! Whaaaaay, look at people!! Dey were wining, having drinks and enjoying themselves already. Right in the middle of it all is where we bounce up with the rest of TJJ crew who had been there since 11 PM enjoying a wine or two. And for those who couldn't handle the heat, there was a large outside patio with a bar and a food vendor serving up some Caribbean favorites ... bonus!

Around 2 AM Machel Mantano & Xtatik hit the stage chanting Get! Get! Get! Get Delirious! ...... what can we say, the crowd went wild. Real scandalous! Following Machel's commands, everyone was jumping up delirious and the floor started literally swinging, like it have a 5.6 scale earthquake right in the middle of Zanzibar. If you see de energy of dat crowd boy, you could light up a whole city! We were worried a bit at first that the floor may give in. We were on the 2nd floor and it was a bit too crowded, at any given time you had contact with 5 other bodies ;-) but after the first song we realized it is all good and joined the jump up. A quick check on our trusted TJJ Fetemeter... 120 degrees Fahrenheit, wonderful! That's when we see some strong (and not so strong) men take off deh shirt showing off biceps& ting for de ladies. We can't blame them though, de place was hot. And TJJ already know, A hot party = A damn good time!

Patrice Roberts, Zan and Benjai emerged next and everyone joined the singing of Patrice & Zan's song "Always Be" and Zan and Machel's "The Heart of A Man". Girls hands were all over Machel's sweaty body whenever he came close enough to the crowd, singing to the girls, oh yah and in Spanish! OK this is where we have to mention a particular Machel fan... u know u are a die hard fan when u spend hours making a skirt dat have Machel written across your bamsee!!! Big up to de lady in red, u caught our attention & most certainly Machel's.

All in all, it was an amazing show full of energy from both the artists and the crowd. But we feel it was over way too fast (1.5 hours... yes we counted) and when the artists attempted to leave the stage everyone started singing, "We reach the stage we warming up..." So they had no choice but to come back and they performed for at least another 40 minutes. YES, that's what we talking bout! After the show, lots of people went to the patio to cool down and catch up with friends. TJJ crew was liming until after 6 AM when we were broomed out of the venue in a very friendly manner... what's new? Wow what a night! Yes, we are already looking forward to the Saturday night of DC Carnival 2007.

Big up Blessed Productions & Klimaxx Entertainment for yet another successful event!! And as always, thanks for letting TJJ pass through.

Original Lime Flavor was here!!!