Monday 26th December 2005
Blue Mountain Inn, Jamaica
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yes. Many of you who have even just *heard* about Uptopia knew it was
expected to be the party of the Christmas season. And it definitely didn't
disappoint. JA Jungle Juice arrived early cause the ringleader (aka ticket
holder) told us shuttles up de hill stop run at midnight. So in true J'can
fashion we got there minutes to midnight. (We later discovered the shuttles
actually didn't stop running till 1am). Now, we must send extra ratings
to the shuttle setup... cause no other session in Jamaica has had one
so smooth! No line necessary. As you parked your car there was the bus
waiting to take you to paradise. And as you got off there was someone
offering a sweet concoction of some drink (Edens Crush?).
Step into the party. By-pass the ample food setups. Everything was there.
The regular chicken and beef... also lamb, clams, shrimp... everything
in every sauce!! Even fondue!! Fruits from all over the world waiting
to be dipped in decadent chocolate (it looks as if we walked with we stomach
beings the treacherous journey down the step, ladies in the spike heels...
you get extra ratings. But having been on the side of the mountain by
the river before, we came ready for the hike. The rest of you... congratulations!
Anyhow. Where were we? Yes. Make it down the side of the hill, over the
river and to... THE DRINKS! Again. Whatever you desired was on offer,
from the more than abundant bartenders. Wait for a drink? No sir. They
are here to drunk you off ASAP!
there to music. Vibes was running yes. Again, catering to the entire eclectic
mix was every type of music. Oldies? Newness? Discos? Dancehall? Techno?
After a certain time of night, we had no clue what was on, just knew we
were dancing to it. A glance at the watch said it was 5am. FIVE!!?? Ah
Lie. Couldn't be. And we nevah notice? No matter. Party was still going
strong. Dance floor still ram, and people still holding them liquor. Around
this time breakfast came out. Yes. Food change up. And de Ackee and illaloo
come out. (Yes, we really did walk wit we belly!)
6am ringleader decided it's time to head out before the rush. So taking
the last drink, we headed out to yes, the ever present shuttles. With
a jig in our steps and stories telling on the short ride towards our cars.
We looking forward to next year and another few hours of Paradise.Bliss.Utopia!