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St. Lucia Carnival 2015 Photos and Reviews | Lucian Carnival 2015 :: on the inside


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“Loosah in Lucia” are the perfect words to describe my carnival experience. I must admit that I, The Sammy Juice, was a Lucian Carnival virgin and man was it a nice time ‘losing it’.


From touchdown on Wednesday before carnival, what Trinis like to call Bacchanal Wednesday, was straight to the first event, Colour Me Red. I couldn’t have asked for a more hospitable welcome from St. Lucia than this fete. Gorgeous women, a little Trini artistes to help break things in, and just the right touch of Lucian artists to grace my ears with my first sound of Lucian Soca. After just a little rest, I headed to Escape, second on the list. Although the vibes started later than I could’ve really afforded to stay, I already saw the makings of what was a fete I regret missing in its entirety. Beginning with a gorgeous view, followed by more beautiful Lucians, and free premium drinks and food. Damn.While I regret missing this event fully, I don’t regret touching down in Aura, the next on the agenda. Cooler parties are more something I’m used to here in Trinidad, so Slush, big up yourself, it was vibes. Shots and drinks, some of the best djs, and did I mention shots? Ok, time to run into Castries for my first time, to the cultural center for King and Queen of Bands. Beautiful, majestic and awesome are just a few words that come to mind to describe the experience of the shows these bands put forward. I particularly remember one costume in particular, “The Congo Man” and the goosebumps raising performance put forward in presentation.

From one state funded event on Thursday, straight to the next the following day, this time, the St. Lucia Panorama Finals 2015. Overflowing with culture, history and beautiful music, the Panorama Finals glorified the sound of the sweet steelpan in wonderfully orchestrated bands. After getting my daily dose of Lucian culture, time to fete again, this time, Sexy in Black! I cannot even begin to describe the size of the crowd at this event, coupled with unity, energy and beauty. Electrifying performances from an all-star lineup including Olatunji, Farmer Nappy, Fadda Fox, Lead Pipe and Saddis, and lots of Lucian artists, made the view from stage seem like a pulse of energy moving through the massive crowd. Kudos on this one guys, I was thoroughly impressed.

Then came Saturday, a fully loaded day again, with the first stop, Remedy. Remedy is, in no better way to describe it, the beach lime on steroids. Gather your crews, your coolers and head to the beautiful Pigeon Island for this party with a heavy Trinidad influence thanks to my friends at YUMA. Whatever your sickness, this party has got the remedy! Culture dose again, because after leaving remedy, it was back to Castries at the cultural center for the National Calypso Monarch Finals. Here one can experience a true display of calypso music, centered on pressing issues in Lucian society. From “Everybody Fooling Everybody” to “Since When That Is Your Role”, these artists have creatively opened eyes to what’s really on the minds of Lucian people after all the beauty of the mas is gone. Now, to wrap up the Saturday night, must end it with a bang, this time, Transcend. Powered by the “Deeper Than Soca” team, this event was nothing short of an awesome party. Mr. Loner himself, Lyrikal chose this event to be his debut in St. Lucia, and on top of that, broke in his birthday on stage! Champagne and cake, rum and soca, and an entire fete singing ‘happy birthday to you’, I’m sure he had possibly the best welcoming he could’ve ever asked for.


Fast forwarding to Sunday came my second beach party, Brazen. Sorry to say, and I humbly apologize again to the beautiful promoter ;-) but I ran late. I know I missed all the photos of sexy women clad in bikinis against the sunset, but hey, at least I still got there in enough time to catch those same women dancing and enjoying themselves to the musical genius, that is DJ Private Ryan. For the little time I did get to spend there, I could’ve seen it was clearly an awesome party. From the beach to the cricket grounds for the huge National Soca Monarch Finals. If you’ve missed any of the amazing talent that embodies itself in the form of Lucian carnival up to that point, at least by the end of this show, you’ll know what it’s really all about. I gave my “Neighbour” a high-five thanks to Sedale and had to “Hold on Something” when Ricky T sent the crowd in a tizzy. But the night didn’t end there, from there, just a short drive away was Jab Jab Fete, the pre-J’ouvert party. It’s here that another massive crowd gathered for free drinks and slamming music to prime themselves for J’ouvert with the Just 4 Fun crew. We partied with them and followed them as they began their journey but left to check out the traditional J’ouvert in the Capital. Here we saw small, intimate bands having a time with mud and paint as well as the odd one-off costumes depicting current events involving politics and local issues. With little rest under our belts, from J’ouvert we had just enough time to shower and head back out into the city for the Parade of the Bands. On both Monday and Tuesday we saw the city littered with stunning costumes, dazzling people and pumping music. Young, old, black, white and every type of person in between, all gathered either to watch or to take part in this display of Lucian culture and art. I can write on and on about how spectacular of a site it was in person, but I think it’s my job to try and capture it and show it to the world, so be sure to check out this and all the other galleries for the events mentioned above folks. Time for me to sign out!

We Love Carnival ... We Know Carnival ... WE ARE CARNIVAL!

St. Lucia Carnival 2015

Christoph aka The Sammy Juice
and the TJJ Lucian Carnival 2015 Team -- Dre aka The Carnival Ref

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