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Bacchanal Jamaica 2015 | Jamaica Carnival 2015 | Carnival in Jamaica 2015 Coverage :: on the inside


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The Scorn's Round Up

Wow… has it really been 3 years since my last Bacchanal Jamaica experience?
After 2015 these words come to mind:- "Why Oh Why Had I Forsaken Thee??"

>For anyone wanting to experience Bacchanal Jamaica Carnival follow our professional guidelines: - you are sure to have a marvellous adventure & vacation. Let's face it, Carnival is all about SUN, RUM and FUN (pun intended).

For those of you fortunate enough to be living in Jamaica you experience the full season which starts 6 weeks before the Easter weekend. However, for all non-residents we strongly advise you land in Jamaica on Good Friday and you leave Jamaica the Monday after the Bacchanal Jamaica parade. A total of 10 days! For all the working public that's 5 days from your yearly holiday allotment, but oh it's so worth it!


Easter Weekend we spend in what the Jamaicans refer to as "country" and what us foreigners refer to as tropical paradise - Ocho Rios. Please note that even with the new highway if you land in Kingston the drive from Kingston to Ocho Rios is still a whopping 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Please be aware, there are tolls.

>We do not recommend driving this stretch to and from each day, so we strongly advise staying in Ocho Rios for the weekend of Good Friday to Easter Monday. Suggestions: Sandcastles Holiday, Ocean Sands, Mystic Ridge, Hibiscus Lodge, Jewel, RIU and if you are a baller there are numerous Sandals resorts.

The rest of your trip will mostly be spent in New Kingston. Various hotels are available such as Spanish Court, Pegasus & Knutsford Court Hotel; all of which are central to most of the events.

If push comes to shove, you can always crash by a friend, or a friend of a friend, or a friend of a sibling, etc etc … you know how that goes!!


Rent A Car. Not anything fancy. Just something to get you from A to B. Depending on people to drive you places is a nightmare. Depending on people as a rule of thumb is a nightmare! Rent A Car … A "put put"!! And don't depend 100% on GPS, Google Maps, Waze to get you to the right destination.


At most hotels breakfast is usually included, so you would just need to consider lunch or dinner, depending on when the party is that day. We recommend maybe a budget of US$20 to US$30 a day. Scotchies and Sweetwood are good spots for Jerk and Ribbiz for the After Party. Safety!


Most of the events during Jamaica Carnival are drinks inclusive with one or two exceptions and they are cooler events. No need to worry there! Prices range from US$30 to US$90.


Trini Jungle Juice Carnival Connoisseurs recommended line-up:

Good Friday (Arrival date):-
Land, Relax, Lime, Eat some local food, Catch up on some sleep.

Saturday (Morning):- Frenchmen Rise Up Breakfast Beach Party – All Inclusive – Energy – Location is sexy as "your first time".

Saturday (Afternoon):- Beach J'ouvert – J'ouvert - Paint – Water – Live Performance – Drinks Inclusive

Sunday:- SUN RUM FUN – Carnival Catamaran Cruise – Drinks Inclusive (lots of Appleton Rum) – Swim Stop at some of Ochi's best beaches

Monday:- DUSK – Drinks Inclusive – Fantastic venue with a vew to die for.

Tuesday:- Tabanca Tuesdays – After Work vibes – Steelpan

Wednesday:- I Love Soca – Carnival Cooler Fete – Jamaicans know how to fill a Cooler!

Thursday:- Frenchmen Block-O – Drinks Inclusive – Party on the Street – still so fascinating

Friday:- Bacchanal J'ouvert – J'ouvert – Paint – Live Performance – Drinks Inclusive – Road

Saturday:- Sunrise Breakfast Party …. *speechless*

Saturday:- Frenchmen Bazodee – Premium Drinks and Food Inclusive

Sunday:- The Parade – Road March – Bacchanal Jamaica "Untamed" (this year's presentation). Jamaica is in our Top 3 Carnival parades ... hands down.

After a Line Up like this … all you need to do is get on a plane and leave! Reality patiently awaits you.

Scorn's DO's and DON'TS for Bacchanal Jamaica:-

  • - Do bring your posse (circle of friends) with you. You have to experience this carnival with your peoples

  • - Do not miss any parties or limes. It’s a full week of events
  • - Do not speed when driving. Jamaican police officers are no joke (although they do mistake people for Machel)

  • - Do go to Hellshire for the local cuisine. although it is an "odd"location – the seafood food and the prices are fantastic

  • - Do not leave any valuables in any car, at any location, at any time!!

  • - Do go to Maiden Cay and enjoy the beautiful water, the marvellous sand and the unimaginable vibe and positive energy that it provides

  • - Do not wear your beads when jumping into the ocean … they will be lost

  • - Do get a SIM card (Digicel or LIME). WiFi is sketchy and roaming will dig out your eye

  • - Do drink Appleton Rum – VX, 21 Year or Reserve. Even if you are not a rum drinker, any one of these three (3) …. Heavenly

  • - Do try Wray and Nephew overproof Rum which is a local favourite. Be warned that it's the same an Puncheon.

A huge Big Up and Thank You goes out to the entire Bacchanal Jamaica Committee – you are the best thing since slice bread; Appleton Rum, Pure Country Juice, Red Bull, Kes, and all friends and family of Trini Jungle Juice ... you know who you are. Anybody who we have forgotten … we LOVE YOU still.

That's all the Carnival said … go through the galleries … look at the videos … and if you do get the feeling, vibe and energy … we shall see you in Jamaica 2016!

Bacchanal Jamaica ROCKS!

Scorn Juice; and the 2015 TJJ Bacchanal Jamaica Team
-- The Carnival Ref, Frenchie, Original Lime Flavour, Lee Quest & Juicy Juice

Bacchanal Jamcia 2015

We Love Carnival ... We Know Carnival ... WE ARE CARNIVAL!

>> Bacchanal Jamaica 2014 Coverage
>> Bacchanal Jamaica 2013 Coverage
>> Bacchanal Jamaica 2012 Coverage
>> Bacchanal Jamaica 2011 Coverage
>> Bacchanal Jamaica 2010 Coverage
>> Bacchanal Jamaica 2009 Coverage

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Trini Jungle Juice TV
Trini Jungle Juice: Destination Carnival - TV Show

Destination Carnival: Jamaica

Watch Video Bacchanal Jamaica - Bacchanal Road March 2015 - Part 1 | Part 2
Watch Video Sunnation - Sunrise Breakfast Party 2015
Watch Video Bacchanal Jamaica - Bacchanal J'Ouvert 2015
Watch Video Bellamy, Ian, Denver, Ricki - I Love Soca Cooler Fete 2015
Watch Video Dusk Events - DUSK 2015
Watch Video Trini Jungle Juice - SUN RUM FUN Cruise 2015
Watch Video Bacchanal Jamaica - Beach J'Ouvert 2015
Watch Video Frenchmen - Rise Up Beach Breakfast Party 2015

Watch VideosSee More Bacchanal Jamaica 2015 Video Coverage (TJJ TV)

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